the object clutter
The object clutter is a fictional student residence that recreated with the objects of Siegmunds Hof Residence in Berlin. Not by humans but with the objects in the dormitory space is populated and reorganized to research architectural space and object relations to each other. The Research consists of precise drawings of the room spaces and also fictional orthographic drawings to answer 2 questions are raised with the studies;
How are the objects dwell in the drawing space?
Can objects propose a design methodology?
Rooms are pairs. Pairs are the links. Linking the present and the fiction. Delivering the
story of the room through the objects. All the rooms are created by transforming the
present floor plan into fictional sections. Rooms are the databases of the objects to be
transformed, relocate, reorganized among each other creating another spatiality in the
same frame of the room.
lefe was about to sit
indeed the chair grabbed by
the bed frame
which is definitely stuck
between the wall and beer
forcing the walls towards
shelves are reaching
throughout the room
yet it is difficult to say to
What if we tell the story of the room from the mouth of the objects?
How they behave, act, think, move.
What can we learn from those behaviors?
Objects desire to dwell, interact, touch, move... Just like the events and subjects. Objects
tend to create clutters and assemblies. Some of provide space to inhabit other objects.
The residence is given with the same furniture. Bed, wardrobe, shelves, desk and chair. So
that all the rooms are given same furniture yet they differ with the objects possessed by the
slept under the curtain,
waken up by the sunlight,
hung myself and droped into
the desk
to write one more page
couldn’t see through the
yet illuminated by the spiral
sat on the wall
when the chair sat either on
What is state of mind when
you are keeping the objects objects
forgetforgot i’llneed kid’sllneed don’t want to lose not clutter...
What can we learn from the objects around the rooms? Hanging, falling, floating without gravity.
What if we learn how they behave? What can an object be capable of? Considering that it is possible to
learn how the space is produced by the objects if they tell us directly. Whereas behaviors can be used as
a design methodology to produce space and architectonics.
transcription of the behaviors;
inflate, put pressure getting filled lifting up itself carrying the lines against
gravity extend, getting out from the space drained away hiding between
while orbiting in the space rolling with the gravity flow with the lightness
shelves slices the lights perpendicular to the workspace envelop holds
the pieces together wraps and contains rolling on a soft surface crawling
through a surface with a surface stretch out to tighten the tension force
knotted and grabbed screen reflects the things, speculates rescreens cables
spread, grasp and cover the surface light pieces scattered through the
volume escaping shelves extanding towards exterior pressure makes the
things stick together keep them horizontal without joints
Common areas in the residences are similar to the
surfaces in a room such as shelves and desks. They
are gathering places of the parts where the assemblies
are produced.
Assemblies are the clutters of objects, objects
that are not capable of define a space only
by themselves. Small object gatherings, on
a surface, in a space, occupy their skins and